Rabbi Yaacov Haber
Mara D'asra
Mara D'asra
Welcome to KSY!
Making aliyah is not easy. Kehillas Shivtei Yeshurun is here to make your landing softer. We speak your language, and we share your culture.
Ramat Beit Shemesh is a largely religious, neighborhood with over 100 shuls, and a huge contingent of immigrants from all around the world, particularly English-speaking countries.
KSY stands out in its commitment to unity, inclusion, and community while holding steadfast to Torah values and halacha. Our work is changing the face of Israel and the Jewish world.
Rabbi Yaacov Haber has been a leading force in Jewish community and Jewish education for over forty years. He lived and taught in the United States, Australia and in Israel.
Before arriving in Israel, Rabbi Haber was the Rav of Congregation Bais Torah in Monsey, NY, and served as the National Director of Jewish Education for the Orthodox Union. He is the creator of TorahLab, a popular online educational resource center and was one of the founding members of AJOP.
A leading student of HaRav Chaim P. Scheinberg zt”l, his energy, scholarship and creativity inspire all those who meet him to grow, improve themselves, and lend a helping hand to all those around them.
Aside from his leadership of KSY, Rav Haber serves as the Rabbinic guide to many of the wonderful organisations in Ramat Beit Shemesh, and has authored numerous books and published hundreds via Mosaica Press, his publishing company. He has positively affected or influenced the lives of thousands and thousands and continues to do so. On Shabbos in summer, hundreds of people walk long distances to hear the Rav’s Pirkei Avos shiurim.
In a world where political forces are driving wedges between different kinds of Jews, we strive to be a beacon of sanity and inclusiveness, where everyone is welcome, and politics are not. Little by little, we are growing a kernel of love and mutual respect in Eretz Yisrael, without compromising on our commitment to halacha and avodas Hashem.
From daily learning, including 2 daf yomi shiurim and Master Mishna, to weekly shiurim on medical halachos, kashrus, Navi and parsha to Rabbi Haber’s coveted Nefesh HaChaim chaburah and regular Torah-thons for kids, KSY offers diverse learning opportunities for people on all levels.